Sedaven Dam By NJR ZA
A bird's-eye view
The circular drive with clearly marked points of interest takes you through the high grassland biodiversity areas and back down through thornveld at the base of the sandstone ridges.
Motorists & Cyclists
Tarred Circular Route
The reserve has an excellent and well laid out circular drive of approximately 60km, which covers a large section of the reserve. A secluded picnic site at Holhoek, has running water, braai, and ablution facilities and is situated around the mid-point of the route.
Birding is also well worthwhile at the picnic sites and around the dams where birds are more used to human presence. Follow the route map, view the list of trees, fauna and birds that may be seen on the reserve. At intervals along the route you will come across numbers painted on the road surface which have been placed to draw your attention to items of interest.
View Tourist Route MapNo Running Permitted On Road Or Trails

Looking For Wildlife
To increase your chances of spotting animals consider that:
Seasons and rainfall or the lack thereof may see animals constantly moving around in search of better fodder.
Winters on the Highveld are generally dry, which results in animals concentrating around or close to remaining water sources such as rivers or dams. Summer rainfall may see animals disperse more, but higher temperatures will make game viewing difficult in the late morning and mid-day. Thick and overgrown vegetation will often hide animals, so it could affect your spotting abilities.
Game sightings are unpredictable, but if you are patient and go out at the best times of the day (early mornings and late afternoon), you are likely to have excellent sightings. Take your time, drive slowly and stop often. It’s amazing how frequently you will see something new when you wait a few minutes.

Self-drive Etiquette
- When you see something of interest you want to watch, pull your car over to the side of the road closest to the sighting so traffic can still pass safely.
- When stopped for a while, switch off your engine. Noise disturbs animals and blocks the beautiful sounds of the birds and bush (this is why you visit nature isn’t it?)
- Do not shout at animals or throw items at them! This could provoke unpredictable and aggressive behaviour.
- Do not feed animals as it causes them to be habituated and behave abnormally.
- Stay on the track – no off-road driving or cycling. Sticking to the tarred roads help prevent soil erosion and damage to plants.
- Drive slowly. The speed limit in the reserve is 40 kph. Be aware of animals that may suddenly dash out onto the road or be in the road.
- Do not throw cigarette butts into the bush. This may start a fire and cause death to humans and animals.
- Leave no waste behind. Please do not litter. Keep litter in the car and dispose of it back at the Visitor's Centre.

Cycling On The Tourist Loop
The 60km tarred tourist route, is suitable for cyclists.The beautiful scenery, quiet roads, challenging climbs and fast winding descents make Suikerbosrand a great place to ride. Be on the look-out for a variety of wildlife and beware of animals running across the road.

Cycling Regulations
- Cycling is only permitted on the tarred roads. Please refrain from cycling on the trails.
- Escorting cyclists with a vehicle is Not Permitted . That blocks the road for other motorists, and is also a slow-moving hazard for vehicles (and other cyclists) coming up from behind on one of the many blind corners.