Pom Pom eradication - By Friends Of Suikerbosrand

About Friends Of Suikerbosrand

As part of the network of Wildlife and Environment Society of SA, the Friends of Suikerbosrand suppport, advocate, and generate funds for our work at the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve.

Contributions to FOS are used to support our marketing of the reserve, the provision of information and projects approved by GDARD such as restoration of the medicinal garden, eradication of invader plant species, conserving the Reserve’s wildlife and natural resources and repairs to the Reserve’s infrastructure, such as the overnight hiking huts and chalets.

Make A Contribution
friends of suikerbosrand
FOS Medicinal Garden Replanting - By Friends Of Suikerbosrand

Objectives Of FOS.

We promote conservation at Suikerbosrand by an active team of volunteers:

  • Assisting where requested by the Officer in Charge in maintaining or restoring areas to a state as close as possible to its natural condition.
  • Making the members knowledgeable about the past natural history of the area, past and present exploitation and disturbances, its unique or special properties, and its future.
  • Keeping members abreast of news and developments by means of regular updates.
  • Putting their knowledge to use by undertaking any and all kinds of extension work which will spread information about the Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve among the community and public, especially with regard to its unique and / or special distinctive features and its value for present and future generations.
  • Raising money to achieve our aims.
gardener with medicinal plant sign
Medicinal Garden Plant Names - By Friends Of Suikerbosrand


Examples of activities which may be undertaken at the request of the Officer in Charge at Suikerbosrand are:

  • To remove alien plants and / or animals.
  • Assist in soil erosion control.
  • List and monitor natural populations of indigenous species.
  • Help to plan and construct trails.
  • Assist in writing information brochures and field guides.
  • Assist the staff over weekends and public holidays as required.
  • Conducting outings in the area for parties of the public.
  • Contributing to information exhibits.
friends gardening
FOS in Medicinal Garden - By Friends Of Suikerbosrand

Want to join us?

Your input is very important to us.