
The Friends Of Suikerbosrand wanted to give visitors to our website a sense of Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve through the perspective of the community who have paid a visit to the reserve. As a result, we used photos taken by the community where possible.

These images were purely used for non-commercial, educational and aesthetic purposes and we promise not to sell any of your photos. We have taken care to put a reference of the photographer included with each image. If for any reason you should wish that we did not publish a photo on one of our pages, please email us at and we will immediately remove the relevant images. If you see a photograph which you think we have not referenced correctly (by oversight), please email us at in order for us to rectify the error.

Please view the contributors below.

Friends Of Suikerbosrand

Home Page:

Who we are:

Contact (Friends):

About Reserve


Geology, Plants & Animals:


Day & Overnight Trails:

Tourist & Cycling Route

Reserve info

Downloads & maps:

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